Friday, September 30, 2011


Here's a few more pictures that I took at the Detroit Zoo:

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


We took Red to the Detroit Zoo for the first time this past weekend and she loved it!  And by 'loved it' I mean she didn't scream hysterically.   :-)

Here's a few pictures of animals that I took.

Red Tailed Panda




Thursday, September 15, 2011


This is just a little view of our first trip as a family.  We went to Wisconsin to visit some of my family and made a little time to go to Lake Michigan and take pictures.  

 Red's first picture at Lake Michigan!

 Red with mommy!
Our awesome family.  :-)

Monday, September 12, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011


Here's a few more pictures of flowers that were taken on our trip to Wisconsin.  These flowers were in my Aunt Diane's garden.  So pretty!

This was the smallest grasshopper ever!

Water droplets

I love taking pictures of flowers.   :-)


We went to Elizabeth Park to take Red's 3 months pictures.  Here's a few good ones.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I have an account at and it's one of the greatest things since sliced bread!  It's a site that allows you to create virtual 'pin boards' with different pictures and ideas that other people can follow.  I can (and have) spent hours perusing the site.  

I actually started this blog to have a URL to be able to post pins.  This is my attempt to post a picture and pin it on Pinterest....

I will hopefully write a post that explains how to create these clothing separators.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


I went to the SJ Johnson administrative building, which was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright.  While there. I took some pictures of some pretty flowers.  On one of those flowers was...a Japanese beetle....doing it with another beetle!  Haha.  These are some of the pictures I took:

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I have a Canon EOS 7D.  I.Love.It!  It's so amazing and does everything I want (with a the help of different lenses).  And let me tell you, I'm obsessed.  All I can think about is what lens I want next and what I want to use it on.  I'm actually making a trip to the zoo so I can use my new telephoto lens.  I hope to take some awesome pictures there.  But for now, here's some good flower pictures I've taken recently:

I know this isn't a flower...but it was still cool.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011



This is my attempt to document my creations, my great pictures, my beautiful Red, everything that I love.  Some of my creations and pictures are from before, but they're still good!

Travel with me as I experiment and grow.